It seems like I have had more conversations than usual this month about the lack of team integration. Getting everybody on the team moving in the same direction is not as simple as writing up amazing vision statements or organizational values although these are powerful building blocks to a successful company. But more importantly, how to integrate those ideals into the collective narrative and how to each team member to metabolize them so that they become an authentic rallying cry?
First things first. A team that is part of the formative conversations around vision and values is already ahead of the curve on integration. There is something powerful about being in the room where it happens (go ahead and cue ear worm from Hamilton). A person who helps create language around what it means to be a part of a company or organization will share that language and its impact organically with others, which is an important first step towards team integration.
Second. Communication of the values and vision of any organization must happen often and through a variety of methods. Are these values built into the performance evaluation cycle? Are the values revisited during employee meetings? Are they posted in places where employees gather? Are team members showcased when they put skin on these values and live them out in their interactions with others?
Third. Team integration is a top-down scenario. If the executive team is showing themselves values-accountable to those with less influence, it goes a mighty long way towards team integration. Humility is key here. Companies love to proclaim “we are all in this together” but do the most vulnerable members of your team confirm this as their reality?
Fourth. Regular tune-ups are critical. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and lose sight of the bigger picture. People drift into their silos and the doors slowly close without anyone realizing it. Coming out of those silos to do clarifying work around core identity, values, strategic anchors, rallying cry and next steps is critical to continued integration of mission.
The truth is we all spend a good portion of our waking hours working with a team. Most of us desire to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. We know that we are somehow better together; that integration is powerful. When we become intentional about functioning as a healthy integrated team, work becomes something we look forward to instead of a necessary evil. And that is a win for everyone!